The look in this girls eyes is fantastic! I have not been able to stop looking at this picture for the last few days.. something about it has really stuck with me. I don't know if it is the relaxed jeans or the beat up tee ball shirt.. or maybe the faint outline of her cross in contrast to it. Her gaze is incredible! What do you think?
I realize I just recently posted the crystal, four finger, brass knuckles.. but I just could not keep these four finger McQueen's to myself! I tend to like silver jewelry more, but I absolutely LOVE the gold ones. Which do you prefer.. gold or silver? Or both? It's hard to decide!
Stylist, Kate Lanphear never gets old to me. I fell in love with her dark, playful style over two years ago and have been following her ever since. Although Lanphear keeps permanently to a color palette of black, gray, white, and that in-between, she remains to do so with a newness and creativity that is hard to come by.
Lately, I have committed myself back to my sketching. I like to sketch in pen and pencil so I've been looking particularly at black and white images I find especially interesting or beautiful. By the way, the first picture is me playing dress up when I was younger. Hope you all enjoy! I will get some of my sketches up as soon as I figure out a good method of scanning them.
Here's my attempt at Alexander Wang's braids.. What do you think? A little reminicent, but the trend has definitely carried over. Braids have been popping up everywhere reminding me of my days playing in the grass with a daisy chain upon my head. More braids to come!